This Issue









Vol. 1, No. 2 • Summer 1997

Thank You
by Lynn Davis

Thank you for all the times you've said
"yes" during the day and in the middle
of the night.

Thank you for taking children who come with nothing but their teary faces and outstretched hands.

Thank you for saying "yes" when you've told us you need a break and we call you two days later.

Thank you for being patient when we've forgotten to call you about court dates and rescheduled visits.

Thank you for holding and comforting children who are upset because their parents miss a visit or court gets continued one more time.

Thank you for meeting birth and adoptive families, sharing your insights, and agreeing to have them visit in your home.

Thank you for advocating for your children and helping us to advocate for them in our community.

Thank you for your participation in training and becoming stronger, more effective foster parents.

Thank you for "hanging in there" with children when the urge to call us to remove them is so strong.

Thank you for remaining a foster parent when your heart is saddened from saying good-bye to a child.

Thank you for all the little things you do that make a placement in your home so special.

Thank you for all the good you do--it will last a lifetime.

Lynn C. Davis is a Services Program Manager for the Richmond County (North Carolina) Department of Social Services. She composed this tribute for her county's foster parent appreciation dinner in May 1997.

Copyright 2000 Jordan Institute for Families