This Issue









Vol. 1, No. 2• Summer 1997

Hotline Offers Information on Special Needs
by Martina Lively

What do you do when the child who has just been placed in your home has a medical condition you know nothing about? Where can you get information about this condition to give to this girl's teachers and others who are providing services to her?

One option is to call the Family Support Network of North Carolina. Since 1985, the Family Support Network has been providing support and information for families of children with special needs. To meet the needs of these families, this organization maintains a network of parent-to-parent programs across the state, organizes parent/professional training activities, and runs the Central Directory of Resources.

The Central Directory of Resources (CDR) can be reached by calling (800) 852-0042. This extensive database contains printed materials about various disabilities, illnesses, and conditions, as well as articles on behavior management and family issues. The CDR also contains a comprehensive list of agencies and organizations, in North Carolina and across the country, the provide services and support for people with disabilities.

Here is an example of a typical call: the caller identifies herself as a foster parent from western North Carolina. A few hours earlier, her social worker placed a child with Prader-Willi Syndrome in her home. Although the worker gave her some background on this condition, the foster parent says she wants to know more. The resource specialist informs her that the CDR has material describing the syndrome, as well as material addressing some of the issues of parenting a child with this condition.

The resource specialist promises to send the material immediately, along with names of organizations that can provide more information about Prader-Willi Syndrome.

She also encourages the foster parent to consider participating in the Family Support Network's "parent-to-parent" program. This program helps parents of children with special needs in North Carolina connect with one another. Many people find that talking to parents who have been confronted by some of the same problems to be extremely helpful.

The Family Support Network's Central Directory of Resources can be reached by calling: 1-800-852-0042. For more information on FSN see "Does Your Child Have Special Needs?"

Martina Lively works for the Family Support Network.

Copyright 2000 Jordan Institute for Families