Vol. 17, No. 2 • May 2013

Focusing on Child Well-Being

Bryan Samuels, Commissioner of the Administration on Children, Youth and Families, says one of the most important things we can do to help children who receive child welfare services is to increase our focus on their well-being (USDHHS, 2012a).

In response to Samuels’ leadership, child welfare professionals across the country are paying special attention to the social and emotional well-being of children in foster care. They’re trying to help young people develop the skills, capacities, and characteristics that will enable them to understand and navigate the world in healthy, positive ways. In particular, there’s an interest in helping young people develop the ability to form attachments, make friends, and engage in positive relationships (USDHHS, 2012b).

If you are a foster or adoptive parent or kin caregiver, focusing intensely on child well-being is hardly a new idea. If you’re like most resource parents, it’s a guiding concern in your life. For you every day is an attempt to answer a simple but sometimes challenging question: what can I do to help children lead happy, successful lives?

We hope the information and suggestions you find in this issue of Fostering Perspectives will help you in your ongoing effort to answer this important question.

Download or print a pdf of this entire issue

Youth in Care Speak Out
How I know when someone cares about my well-being
Lifebooks: Keeping It Together
Being Safe vs. Feeling Safe
Promoting Child Well-Being by Engaging Fathers

Standing Up for My Son
I had to fight to get my son out of the system

Child Well-Being and Placement "Fit"

Child and Family Team Meetings and Placement "Fit"

You Never Know . . .
Even experienced workers can find it hard to predict placement "fit".

How I Felt When I Was Placed in Foster Care
by Haley, age 11

Helping a Child Understand Your Family Routine

Foster Parent Training: Helping Youth Reach Self-Sufficiency

Trauma's Impact: My Family's Journey

Teaching Healthy Behaviors to Children in Foster Care
NC's Health-Related Foster Care Policies
Physical Activity: Staying Motivated
Nutrition Guide for Foster and Adoptive Parents
Maurita Miller Elected President of the NCFAPA
SaySo Announces New Executive Director
A Reader Asks
Are foster parents automatically approved to adopt?
Help Us Find Families for These Children
Writing Contest

References cited in this issue

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~ Family and Children's Resource Program, UNC-CH School of Social Work ~