Vol. 7, No. 1• November 2002

Get Training Credit for Reading this Newsletter

If you are a North Carolina foster parent you can enjoy reading Fostering Perspectives and earn credit toward your relicensure. Just write down the answers to the questions below and present them to your social worker. If your answers are satisfactory, you’ll receive 30 minutes of credit toward your in-service training requirement. Questions about this method of gaining in-service credit? Contact the N.C. Division of Social Services at 919/733-7672.

In-Service Quiz, v7#1

  1. In what year did North Carolina’s Guardian ad Litem program begin?

  2. In what North Carolina county does Anita Robinson-Christmas live?

  3. What are some of the things you should take into account when considering adopting your foster child?

  4. Describe a structure foster parents can use to prepare a report to their foster child’s GAL.

  5. Name five things you can find when you visit the Jordan Institute for Families’ VRC.

  6. What are the four core strategies of the Family to Family initiative?

  7. What are some tools for helping children cope with foster care-related transitions?

  8. What is the name of the organization that developed MAPP/GPS?

  9. Name 5 things that may help foster parents reduce their chances of being suspected of child maltreatment.

Copyright 2002 Jordan Institute for Families