This Issue









Vol. 4, No. 1 • Fall 1999

Second Floor
by O'Brae, age 17

One hundred and fifty-six moons of basic learning
Inhaled through the cerebrum while constantly earning
and yearning for something brighter.

Days filled with shadows have reflected the brighter ones.
While past setbacks has pushed forward those future

Very quietly, I yell for the help of those who are helpful.
Selfless souls that are reasonably happy and grateful.
Involved with these people, I can hope that tomorrow will be as wonderful as yesterday, or even birth.
Since today has yet to be dismissed, I'll make it more than what it's worth.

Using numbers, words, or symbols and equations to pass.
Going to bed at home, so I can stay awake in class.

In order to prepare thyself for the real world, I must form habits.
Habits that can iron out the worst of today's static.

Heading East, I can live with the living.
Reaching new horizons, my set goals are what I'm getting.

Giving back what has been freely given to me,
I can live for the future and be who I wanna be.

O'Brae graduated in June 1999 and is interested in studying law. He conducted a workshop with the staff of Gateway Transitional Living Program and Mecklenburg Youth and Family Services. His story was very well received. He spoke as part of "Helping Youth Reach Self-Sufficiency."

Copyright � 2000 Jordan Institute for Families