This Issue









Vol. 2, No. 2 • Spring 1998

Fifty-One Ways to Praise a Child

  1. You're a good friend
  2. You've got it
  3. You're incredible
  4. Bravo
  5. You're fantastic
  6. Hooray for YOU
  7. You're on target
  8. That's incredible
  9. How nice
  10. How smart
  11. Good job
  12. You're unique
  13. You belong
  14. Good for you
  15. Nothing can stop you now
  16. I like you
  17. You're a winner
  18. Remarkable job
  19. Beautiful work
  20. Spectacular
  21. A+ job
  22. You're darling
  23. You're spectacular
  24. You're precious
  25. Great discovery
  26. You've discovered the secret
  27. You figured it out
  28. Awesome
  29. Fantastic job
  30. Hip-hip Hooray
  31. Bingo
  32. Magnificent
  33. Terrific
  34. Marvelous
  35. You're important
  36. Phenomenal
  37. You're sensational
  38. Super work
  39. Creative job
  40. Super job
  41. You're a joy
  42. Exceptional performance
  43. You're a real trooper
  44. You are responsible
  45. You are exciting
  46. Super
  47. You're perfect
  48. You learned it right
  49. You're okay
  50. What an imagination
  51. You're a good listener

P.S. A smile is worth 1,000 words!

Copyright 2000 Jordan Institute for Families